
Form Bebas Plagiarisme / Free of Plagiarism Form

Panduan Tugas Akhir / Final Assignment Manual

Daftar Judul Tugas Akhir / List of Undergraduate Thesis Title

Lampiran Borang BAN PT – Contoh Silabus dan Soal Ujian / BAN-PT Attachment – Sample of Syllabus and Exams

Buku Panduan Akademik FMIPA 2021 / Academic Guide Book FMNS 2021

Sertifikat ASIIN S1 Matematika UGM 2019-03-29 / Certificate ASIIN Gadjah Mada University Bachelor Mathematics 2019-03-29

Standard Operational Procedure (SOP)

Prosedur / Manual Procedures

Akreditasi BAN-PT / BAN-PT Accreditation

Edaran S1 Matematika / Leaflet of the Bc-Math

Peraturan Menteri terkait Gelar Akademik – Perguruan Tinggi / Ministry Regulation on Academic Degree – Higher Education

Surat Pendirian Prodi Program Sarjana Matematika / Letter of Establishment of the Bc-Math

Daftar Diktat Perkuliahan / List of Lecture Notes

Kegiatan Staff / Staff Activities

Daftar Buku Teks / List of Text Book

Ketercapaian PLO Prodi Program Sarjana Matematika FMIPA UGM / PLO Achievement of the Bc-Math FMNS UGM 

Perubahan TA / Changes in Final Assignment

Informasi Aturan Tugas Akhir mulai Tahun Akademik 2018/2019 / Information of Regulation on Final Assignment Effective From AY 2018/2019

Tim Pendamping Eksternal Program Sarjana Matematika FMIPA UGM / External Advisory Board of Bc Math FMNS UGM

Kurikulum 2016 Prodi S1 Matematika Revisi 2019 – Penyesuaian Dengan Prodi Ilmu Aktuaria / Curriculum 2016 of Bc Math Revised in 2019 – Adjusted for Actuarial Science

Pakta Integritas Ujian TA II / Integrity Pact of Final Assignment II Defense

Info Akademik

Seminar TA I dan Ujian Akhir TA II

