Defense – Klatenia Selawati, Friday, April 3, 2020 at 09. 00 AM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics


Name                        : Klatenia Selawati

Number                    : 16/394171/PA/17262

Day/Date                 : Friday, April 3, 2020

Time                         : 09.00 AM

Room                       : Daring (webex)

Examiner                :

  • Ch. Rini Indrati, M.Si., Dr., Prof. ( Supervisor )
  • Supama, M.Si., Dr., Prof. ( First Examiner )
  • Dewi Kartika Sari ,  M.Sc., Dr.
  • Sutopo, M. Si., Dr.

Defense, Agista Surya Bawana, Monday, February 10, 2020, 01.00 PM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics


Name          : Agista Surya Bawana

Number      : 16/394159/PA/17250

Day/Date    : Monday, February 10, 2020

Time           : 01.00 PM

Room          : Seminar Room Dept.of Math. 1st Floor


Examiner    :

  1. Yeni Susanti, M. Si., Dr.( Supervisor )
  2. Sri Wahyuni, MS., Dr., Prof. ( First examiner )
  3. Sutopo, M. Si., Dr..
  4. Rudi Adha Prihandoko, S. Si., M. Si

Defense, Niswah Qonita, Friday, February 7th, 2020, 08.30 AM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics


Name          : Niswah Qonita

Number      : 16/398634/PA/17595

Day/Date    : Friday, February 7th, 2020

Time           : 08.30 AM

Room          : Seminar Room 2 Dept.of Math. 3rd Floor


Examiner    :

  1. Yeni Susanti, M. Si., Dr.( Supervisor )
  2. Sutopo, M. Si., Dr. ( First examiner )
  3. Uha Isnaini, S. Si., M. Sc.
  4. Ari Dwi Hartanto, S. Si., M. Sc.

Defense, Laura Haryo, Thursday, February 6th, 2020, 09.00 AM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics


Name          : Laura Haryo

Number      : 16/394173/PA/17264

Day/Date    : Thursday, February 6th, 2020

Time           : 09.00 AM

Room          : Seminar Room Dept.of Math. 1st Floor


Examiner    :

  1. Yeni Susanti, M. Si., Dr. ( Supervisor )
  2. Budi Surodjo, M. Si., Dr. ( First examiner )
  3. Iwan Ernanto, S. Si., M. Sc.
  4. Dewi Kartika Sari, M. Sc., Ph.D.

Defense, Ratih Ayu Dwi Jayanti, Tuesday, January 21st, 2020, 01.00 PM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics


Name          : Ratih Ayu Dwi Jayanti

Number      : 15/383338/PA/16998

Day/Date    : Tuesday, January 21st, 2020

Time           : 01.00 PM

Room          : Seminar Room 2 Dept.of Math. 3 rd Floor


Examiner    :

  1. Dwi Ertiningsih, S. Si., M. Si. ( Supervisor )
  2. Solikhatun, M. Si., Dr. ( First examiner )
  3. Indarsih, M. Si., Dr..
  4. Iwan Ernanto, S. Si., M. Si

Defense, Setia Kusumaningrum , Monday, January 20th, 2020, 09.00 AM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics


Name          : Setia Kusumaningrum

Number      : 15/383343/PA/17003

Day/Date    : Monday, January 20th, 2020

Time            : 09.00 AM

Room          : Seminar Room 2 Dept.of Math. 3 rd Floor


Examiner    :

  1. Budi Surodjo, M. Si., Dr.( Supervisor )
  2. Ari Suparwanto, M. Si., Dr. ( First examiner )
  3. Sutopo, M. Si., Dr.
  4. Supama, M. Si., Dr., Prof.

Defense, Ranggajaya Ciptawan, Friday, January 17th, 2020, 08.30 AM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics


Name          : Ranggajaya Ciptawan

Number      : 16/394181/PA/17272

Day/Date    : Friday, Januari 17th, 2020

Time           : 08.30 AM

Room          : Seminar Room 2 Dept.of Math. 3 rd Floor


Examiner    :

  1. Sutopo, M. Si., Dr. ( Supervisor )
  2. Ari Suparwanto, M. Si., Dr. ( First examiner )
  3. Diah Junia Eksi Palupi, MS., Dr.
  4. Sekar Nugraheni, S. Si., M. Sc.


Defense, A. A. Nithi Pramesti , Thursday, January 16th, 2020, 09.00 AM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics


Name          : A. A. Nithi Pramesti

Number      : 15/378121/PA/16596

Day/Date    : Thursday, January 16th, 2020

Time           : 09.00 AM

Room          : Seminar Room 2 Dept.of Math. 3 rd Floor


Examiner    :

  1. Imam Solekhudin, M. Si., Dr. (Supervisor)
  2. Fajar Adi Kusumo, M. Si., Dr. ( First examiner )
  3. Rudi Adha Prihandoko, S. Si., M. Si
  4. Nur Khusnussa’adah, S. Si., M. Si

Defense, Era Setya Cahyati, Tuesday, January 14th, 2020, 08.00 AM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics


Name          : Era Setyo Cahyati

Number      : 16/398621/PA/17582

Day/Date    : Tuesday, January 14th, 2020

Time           : 08.00 AM

Room          : Seminar Room 2 Dept.of Math. 3 rd Floor


Examiner    :

  1. Sri Wahyuni, MS., Dr., Prof.. ( Supervisor )
  2. Yeni Susanti, M. Si., Dr. ( First examiner )
  3. Budi Surodjo, M. Si., Dr.
  4. Umi Mahnuna Hanung, S. Si., M. Si

Defense, Annisa Muchlisin, Monday, January 13th, 2020, 09.00 AM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics

 Name          : Annisa Muchlisin

Number      : 15/379647/PA/16705

Day/Date    : Monday, January 13th, 2020

Time           : 09.00 AM

Room          : Seminar Room Dept.of Math. 1st Floor

Examiner    :

  1. Solikhatun, M. Si., Dr. (First Supervisor)
  2. Nanang Susyanto, M. Si., Dr. ( Second Supervisor)
  3. Salmah, M. Si., Dr., Prof. ( First examiner )
  4. Irwan Endrayanto, M. Sc., Dr.
  5. Hadrian Andradi,  M. Sc., Dr.

Info Akademik

Seminar TA I dan Ujian Akhir TA II

