Kurikulum Program Sarjana Program Studi Matematika dapat dilihat pada Dokumen Kurikulum Program Sarjana Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam yang dapat diakses melalui tautan berikut dan dapat diunduh melalui tautan berikut. Di bawah ini disajikan daftar mata kuliah yang ditawarkan di Program Sarjana Program Studi Matematika dalam bentuk tabel-tabel.
The complete curriculum 2021 of The Bc-Math can be found in the document of the curriculum year 2021 of undergraduate programmes on The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the following link and downloadable via this link. However, courses offered by The Bc-Math are listed below.
No. No. |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | MMM-1101 |
Kalkulus I Calculus I |
3 | 2,5,7 |
Departemen Matematika Department of Mathematics |
2 | MFF-1011 |
Fisika Dasar I Physics I |
3 | 2,5 |
Departemen Fisika Department of Physics |
3 | MKK-1101 |
Kimia Dasar I Fundamental Chemistry I |
3 | 2,5 |
Departemen Kimia Department of Chemistry |
4 | MII21-1201 |
Pemrograman Programming |
3 | 3,4,6.7 |
Departemen Ilmu Komputer dan Elektronika Department of Computer Science and Electronics |
5 | MII21-1202 |
Praktikum Pemrograman Lab work in programming |
1 | 3,4,6,7 |
Departemen Ilmu Komputer dan Elektronika Department of Computer Science and Electronics |
6 | MMM-1209 |
Pengantar Logika Matematika dan Himpunan Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Set |
3 | 2,3,5,7 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
7 | UNU-100x |
Agama Islam (Islam) Katolik (Catholicism) Kristen (Christianity) Hindu (Hinduism) Budha (Buddhism) Konghucu (Confucian) |
2 | 1 |
UNU-1000 Islam (Islam) UNU-1001 Katolik (Catholicism) UNU-1002 Kristen (Christianity) UNU-1003 Hindu (Hinduism) UNU-1004 Budha (Buddhism) UNU-1005 Konghucu (Confucian) |
Universitas University |
8 | MMM-1401 |
Statistika Statistics |
3 (1) | 2,4,5 |
disertai praktikum with laboratory work |
Lab. Statistika Statistics Lab. |
No. No. |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | MMM-1102 |
Kalkulus II Calculus II |
3 | MMM-1101* | 2,5,7 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
2 | MMM-1106 |
Geometri Analitik Analytical Geometry |
3 | MMM-1101* | 2,7 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
3 | MMM-1202 |
Aljabar Linear Elementer Elementary Linear Algebra |
3 | 2,4,5,6 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
4 | MMM-1207 |
Matematika Diskrit Discrete Mathematics |
4 | MMM-1209* | 2,3,5,6 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
5 | MMM-1203 |
Pengantar Struktur Aljabar I Introduction to Algebraic Structure I |
3 | MMM-1209* | 3,6,9 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
6 | UNU-222011 |
Pancasila Pancasila |
2 | 1,8 |
Universitas University |
7 | UNU-222013 |
Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Indonesia |
2 |
Universitas University |
20 |
No. No. |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | MMM-2109 |
Kalkulus Multivariabel I Multivariable Calculus I |
2 | MMM-1102*, MMM-1106* | 2,3,5,7,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
2 | MMM-2201 |
Pengantar Struktur Aljabar II Introduction to Algebraic Structure II |
3 | MMM-1203* | 3,6,9 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
3 | MMM-2301 |
Persamaan Diferensial Elementer Elementary Differential Equations |
3 | MMM-1102* | 2,3,5,6,8,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
4 | MMS-2420 |
Pengantar Statistika Matematika I Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I |
3 | MMM-1102* | 2,3,5,6,9 |
Lab. Statistika Statistics Lab. |
5 | MMM-2401 |
Pengantar Analisis Numerik Introduction to Numerical Analysis |
3(1) | MMM-2301** | 2,3,4,7,9 |
disertai praktikum with laboratory work |
Lab. Matematika Terapan dan Lab. Komputasi Matematika Applied Mathematics Lab. and Mathematical Computation Lab. |
6 | MMM-2111 |
Kalkulus Lanjut Advanced Calculus |
2 | MMM-1102* | 2,5,7 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
7 | MMM-2312 |
Program Linear Linear Programming |
3(1) | MMM-1202* | 3,4,5,7,9 |
disertai praktikum with laboratory work |
Lab. Matematika Terapan dan Lab. Komputasi Matematika Applied Mathematics Lab. and Mathematical Computation Lab. |
No. No. |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | MMM-2110 |
Kalkulus Multivariabel II Multivariable Calculus II |
2 |
MMM-2109* (Prodi Matematika) (Bc-Math) or MMS-2428* (Prodi Statistika) (Bc-Stat) |
2,3,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
2 | MMM-2112 |
Fungsi Variabel Kompleks I Function of Complex Variable I |
2 | MMM-2109* | 2,3,6,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
3 | MMM-2116 |
Pengantar Analisis I Introduction to Analysis I |
3 | MMM-2111* | 3,6,7,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
4 | MMM-2202 |
Aljabar Linear Linear Algebra |
3 | MMM-1202*, MMM-2201* | 3,6,9 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
5 | MMM-2402 |
Matematika Komputasi Computational Mathematics |
3 (1) | MMM-2310**, MMM-2401* | 3,4,5,7,9 |
disertai praktikum with laboratory work |
Lab. Komputasi Matematika Mathematical Computation Lab. |
6 | MMM-2310 |
Pengantar Persamaan Diferensial Parsial Introduction to Partial Differential Equations |
3 | MMM-2109*, MMM-2301* | 2,3,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
No. No. |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | MMM-3106 |
Fungsi Variabel Kompleks II Function of Complex Variable II |
2 | MMM-2112* | 3,6,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
2 | MMM-3102 |
Pengantar Analisis II Introduction to Analysis II |
3 | MMM-2116* | 3,6,7,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
3 | MMM-3303 |
Pengantar Model Matematika Introduction to Mathematical Models
3 | MMM-2310*, MMS-2420* | 2,3,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
4 | MMM-3002 |
Pengantar Proses Stokastik Introduction to Stochastic Processes |
3 | MMS-2420* | 2,3,4,5,6,7,9 |
Departemen Matematika Department of Mathematics |
5 | UNU-3000 |
Kewarganegaraan Civics |
2 |
≥ 60 SKS ≥ 60 credit units |
1,8 |
Universitas University |
6 | MMM-3004 |
Career in Mathematics |
1 |
≥ 80 SKS ≥ 80 credit units |
8 |
Prodi Matematika Bc-Math |
No. No. |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | UNU-4500 |
Kuliah Kerja Nyata Community Development Participation |
3 |
≥ 100 SKS ≥ 100 credit units |
1,3,7,8 |
Universitas University |
No. No. |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | MMM-4091 |
Tugas Akhir I Final Assignment I |
3 |
≥ 120 SKS, ≥120 credit units, CGPA≥2.0, Percentage of total credits with score D less than or equal 25% |
3,6,7,8 |
Prodi Matematika Bc-Math |
2 | MMM-4092 |
Tugas Akhir II Final Assignment II |
6 | MMM-4091** | 3,6,7,8,9 |
Prodi Matematika Bc-Math |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan Program Studi Elective Courses “Mathematics Study Programme” |
No. No. |
Semester Semester |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | VI/VII/VIII | MMM-3005 |
Kerja Praktik A Internship Type A |
3 |
≥ 100 SKS, IPK minimal 2,75, total SKS ≥100 credit units, CGPA is at least 2.75, Percentage of total credits with score D less than or equal 25% |
4,7,8 |
Prodi Matematika Bc-Math |
2 | VII/VIII | MMM-4006 |
Kerja Praktik B Internship Type B |
6 |
≥ 100 SKS, IPK minimal 3,00, total SKS ≥100 credit units, CGPA is at least 3.00, Percentage of total credits with score D less than or equal 25% |
4,7,8 |
Prodi Matematika Bc-Math |
3 | VII/VIII | MMM-4007 |
Kerja Praktik C Internship Type C |
10 |
≥ 100 SKS, IPK minimal 3,25 atau 3,00 ≥100 credit units, CGPA is at least 3.25 or 3.00 for those with national academic certificate, Percentage of total credits with score D less than or equal 25% |
2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |
Prodi Matematika Bc-Math |
4 | VI/VII/VIII | MMM-3008 |
Kerja Praktik D Internship Type D |
20 |
≥ 100 SKS, IPK minimal 3,25 atau 3,00 ≥100 credit units, CGPA is at least 3.25 or 3.00 for those with national academic certificate, Percentage of total credits with score D less than or equal 25% |
2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |
Prodi Matematika Bc-Math |
5 | VI/VII/VIII | MMM-3009 |
Asistensi Pengguanaan TI bagi Guru-Guru Information Technology Utilization Assistance for Teachers |
2 |
≥ 90 SKS, IPK ≥ 2,75, total SKS dengan ≥90 credit units, CGPA is at least 2.75, Percentage of total credits with score D less than or equal 25% |
1,4,7,8 |
Prodi Matematika Bc-Math |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan Bidang “Analisis dan Geometri” Elective Courses “Analysis and Geometry” |
No. No. |
Semester Semester |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | II | MMM-1105 |
Pengantar Teori Bilangan Introduction to Number Theory |
3 | MMM-1209* | 2,3,6,7,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
2 | III | MMM-2114 |
Geometri Transformasi Transformation Geometry |
2 | MMM-1106* | 2,3 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
3 | III | MMM-2113 |
Geometri Geometry |
3 | MMM-1106*, MMM-1209* | 2,3 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
4 | IV | MMM-2115 |
Geometri di Ruang Euclide berdimensi-n Geometry in n-Dimensional Euclidean Space |
3 | MMM-1106* | 3,6 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
5 | V | MMM-3109 |
Kalkulus Variasi Variational Calculus |
2 | MMM-2110* | 2,3,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
6 | V | MMM-3108 |
Pengantar Topologi Introduction to Topology |
3 | MMM-3102** | 3,6,7,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
7 | V | MMM-3105 |
Pengantar Teori Ukuran & Integral Lebesgue Introduction to Theory of Measure and Lebesgue Integral |
3 | MMM-3102** | 3,6,7,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
8 | VI | MMM-3110 |
Kalkulus Stokastik Stochastic Calculus |
3 | MMM-1102*, MMS-2420* | 2,3,4,7 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
9 | VI | MMM-3103 |
Pengantar Teori Persamaan Diferensial Introduction to Theory of Differential Equations |
3 | MMM-3102** | 3,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
10 | VI | MMM-3111 |
Pengantar Ruang Riesz Introduction to Riesz Spaces |
3 | MMM-1209, MMM-2109* | 2,3,6,7,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
11 | VI | MMM-3107 |
Pengantar Geometri Diferensial Introduction to Differential Geometry |
3 | MMM-2109* | 3,6,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
12 | VII | MMM-4102 |
Pengantar Analisis Fungsional Introduction to Functional Analysis |
3 | MMM-3102* | 3,6,7,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
13 | VII/VIII | MMM-4149 |
Kapita Selekta Analisis Capita Selecta in Analysis |
3 | MMM-2116 | 3,6,7,8,9 |
Lab. Analisis Analysis Lab. |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan Bidang “Aljabar dan Matematika Diskret” Elective Courses “Algebra and Discrete Mathematics” |
No. No. |
Semester Semester |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | II | MMM-1204 |
Teori Himpunan Set Theory |
2 | MMM-1209* | 2,3,7 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
2 | III | MMM-2210 |
Aljabar Linear Terapan I Applied Linear Algebra I |
2 | MMM-1202* | 2,4,5,7 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
3 | III | MMM-2206 |
Pengantar Teori Graf Introduction to Graph Theory |
3 | MMM-1207* | 2,3,4,5 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
4 | III | MMM-2211 |
Pengantar Teori Partisi Introduction to Integer Partition |
2 | MMM-1207* | 2,5,6,9 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
5 | IV | MMM-2208 |
Teori Grup Hingga Finite Group Theory |
2 | MMM-1203* | 3,6 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
6 | IV | MMM-2209 |
Pengantar Kombinatorik Introduction to Combinatorics |
3 | MMM-2207* | 2,3,5 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
7 | V | MMM-3206 |
Pengantar Teori Pengkodean Introduction to Coding Theory |
3 | MMM-2202* | 2,3,4 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
8 | V | MMM-3210 |
Pengantar Teori Semigrup Introduction to Semigroup Theory |
3 | MMM-1203* | 6,7,9 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
9 | VI | MMM-3209 |
Aljabar Linear Terapan II Applied Linear Algebra II |
2 | MMM-2202* | 5,8 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
10 | VI | MMM-3211 |
Pengantar Kriptografi Introduction to Cryptography |
3 | MMM-2202* | 2,3,4,5,6,9 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
11 | VII | MMM-4207 |
Pengantar Teori Modul Introduction to Module Theory |
3 | MMM-2202* | 3,6,9 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
12 | VII / VIII | MMM-4249 |
Kapita Selekta Aljabar Capita Selecta in Algebra |
3 | MMM-2202* | 6,7,8,9 |
Lab. Aljabar Algebra Lab. |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan Bidang “Aljabar dan Matematika Komputasi” Elective Courses “Algebra and Mathematical Computation” |
No. No. |
Semester Semester |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | V | MMM-3208 |
Aljabar Linear Numerik Numerical Linear Algebra |
3 (1) | MMM-2202* | 2,3,4,6 |
disertai praktikum with laboratory work |
Lab. Aljabar and Lab. Komputasi Matematika Algebra Lab. and Mathematical Computation Lab. |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan Bidang “Matematika Terapan dan Komputasi Matematika” Elective Courses “Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Computation” |
No. No. |
Semester Semester |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | IV | MMM-2313 |
Riset Operasi A Operation Research A |
3 (1) | MMM-2312* | 4,5,7,9 |
disertai praktikum with laboratory work |
Lab. Matematika Terapan dan Lab. Komputasi Matematika Applied Mathematics Lab. and Mathematical Computation Lab. |
2 | VI | MMM-3309 |
Pengantar Teori Optimisasi ♥ Introduction to Optimization Theory ♥ |
3 (1) | MMM-2312*, MMM-2109* | 2,3,4,7 |
disertai praktikum with laboratory work |
Lab. Matematika Terapan dan Lab. Komputasi Matematika Applied Mathematics Lab. and Mathematical Computation Lab. |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan Bidang “Matematika Terapan” Elective Courses “Applied Mathematics” |
No. No. |
Semester Semester |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | II | MMM-1302 |
Pengantar Teori Permainan Introduction to Game Theory |
3 | 2,3,4,7 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
2 | IV | MMM-2309 |
Sistem Dinamik ♥ Dynamical System ♥ |
MMM-1202*, MMM-2301* |
5,6,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
3 | IV | MMM-2314 |
Riset Operasi B Operation Research B |
MMM-2420* |
2,3,4,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
4 | V | MMM-3310 |
Pengantar Teori Sistem ♥ Introduction to System Theory ♥ |
MMM-2202*, MMM-2301* |
3,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
5 | V | MMM-3315 |
Pengantar Persamaan Diferensial Stokastik Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations |
MMM-3002, MMM-2310 |
2,3,4,5,7,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
6 | VI | MMM-3311 |
Pengantar Masalah Syarat Batas Introduction to Boundary Value Problems |
3 | MMM-2310* | 5,6,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
7 | VI | MMM-3312 |
Pengantar Teori Kendali Introduction to Control Theory |
3 | MMM-3310* | 4,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
8 | VI | MMM-3313 |
Matematika Biologi Mathematical Biology |
3 | MMM-2301*, MMS-2420* | 3,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
9 | VI | MMM-3314 |
Pengantar Matematika Machine Learning Introduction to Mathematics for Machine Learning |
3 | MMS-2420*, MMM-2116* | 2,3,4,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
10 | VII/VIII | MMM-4349A |
Kapita Selekta Matematika Terapan A Capita Selecta in Applied Mathematics A |
3 | MMM-3303* | 3,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
11 | VII / VIII | MMM-4349B |
Kapita Selekta Matematika Terapan Capita Selecta in Applied Mathematics B |
3 | MMM-3303* | 3,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Matematika Terapan Applied Mathematics Lab. |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan Bidang “Komputasi Matematika” Elective Courses “Mathematical Computation” |
No. No. |
Semester Semester |
Kode Mata Kuliah Code |
Nama Mata Kuliah Course |
SKS Credits |
Prasyarat Prerequisite |
Programme Learning Outcome / PLO
Keterangan Remarks |
Pengampu PIC |
1 | V | MMM-3404 |
Komputasi Permasalahan Invers Computational Inverse Problem |
3 | MMM-2202 | 2,5,7,9 |
Lab. Komputasi Matematika Mathematical Computation Lab. |
2 | V | MMM-3406 |
Pengantar Metode Elemen Hingga Introduction to Finite Element Methods |
3 | MMM-3002, MMM-2310 | 3,4,5,9 |
Lab. Komputasi Matematika Mathematical Computation Lab. |
3 | VI | MMM-3402 |
Kapita Selekta Komputasi Matematika Capita Selecta in Computational Mathematics |
3 | MMM-2402* | 3,5,6,7,9 |
Lab. Komputasi Matematika Mathematical Computation Lab. |
4 | VI | MMM-3403 |
Pengantar Metode Elemen Batas Introduction to Boundary Element Methods |
3 | MMM-2110*, MMM-2310* | 2,4,7,9 |
Lab. Komputasi Matematika Mathematical Computation Lab. |
5 | VI | MMM-3405 |
Komputasi Machine Learning Computational Machine Learning |
3 |
MMM-2402* |
2,3,4,5,6,9 |
Lab. Komputasi Matematika Mathematical Computation Lab. |
6 | VII | MMM-4401 |
Pengantar Geometri Fraktal Introduction to Fractal Geometry |
3 |
MMM-2112* |
3,6 |
Lab. Komputasi Matematika Mathematical Computation Lab. |
Programme Learning Outcomes / PLO:
PLO 1: |
Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berjiwa Pancasila dan memiliki kesadaran akan kepentingan bangsa. Devote to God Almighty, Pancasila minded, and aware of the interest of the nation. |
PLO 2: |
Mampu mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan permasalahan terkait matematika. Able to recognize mathematics-related problems, assess their solvability and solve them within a specified time frame. |
PLO 3: |
Mampu mengembangkan cara berpikir matematis dan logis dan mampu membuat dugaan-dugaan serta penyelidikan benar tidaknya beberapa dugaan (conjecture). Able to develop their logic and mathematical thinking and able to do generalization and abstraction. They are in particular able to formulate mathematical hypotheses and have an understanding of how such hypotheses can be verified or falsified using mathematical methods. |
PLO 4: |
Memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup dalam bidang teknologi informasi dan terampil menggunakannya untuk mendukung pembelajaran dan penelitian matematika. Have sufficient knowledge in information technology and able to use it to support the teaching-learning and research process. |
PLO 5: |
Memiliki pengetahuan yang komprehensif di bidang pemodelan matematika serta mampu menyusun model matematika berbagai permasalahan, baik di matematika maupun di bidang lain seperti sains atau kehidupan sehari-hari serta mampu menentukan strategi pemecahannya. Have comprehensive knowledge in mathematical modelling and able to create mathematical models, both in mathematics, in other fields, and in real problems. They are in particular able to solve and determine the strategy how to solve the problems. |
PLO 6: |
Mampu mengidentifikasi pola-pola dasar dan bentuk-bentuk analogi serta mampu melakukan generalisasi dan abstraksi. Have abstraction ability and are able to recognize analogies and basic patterns. |
PLO 7: |
Mampu mengkomunikasikan bahasa matematika baik secara lisan maupun tulisan dengan tepat, jelas dan terorganisasi. Able to communicate in mathematical language, oral and writing, concisely, clearly, and well-organized. |
PLO 8: |
Memiliki tanggung-jawab, kepercayaan diri, kematangan emosional, etika dan kesadaran menjadi pembelajar sepanjang hayat. Have responsibility, confidence, emotional mature, ethics, and lifelong learner principle. |
PLO 9: |
Mampu mengaplikasikan pengetahuan matematis dalam karier yang terkait dengan bidang matematika atau untuk melanjutkan studi pada program pasca sarjana. Have ability to apply their mathematics ability in their carrier related to mathematics and to continue their program in master and doctoral programmes. |