General Information

  1. Requirement for internship can be found in Dokumen Kurikulum Program Sarjana FMIPA UGM.
  2. Standard operational procedure of internship in general can be found in Panduan Operasional Baku (POB) provided by Department of Mathematics.
  3. The more detail standard operational procedure of internship type A and B is given below.

Standard Operational Procedure (SOP)


  1. Before Students Get a Company as the Place for Internship
    1. Students contact the destination company for internship to discuss about the possibility of doing internship in the company.
    2. If the company requires an application letter from The Faculty, students need to request the letter referring to the following steps:
      1. Students fill in Form Permohonan KP provided at The UP-Math Secretariat.
      2. Before students get company’s approval, the “dosen pembimbing” indicated in the form is the students’ academic supervisor.
      3. Students submit the filled form which has been signed by the students and the supervisor to the Secretariat of The UP-Math and then to The Department Secretariat to be signed. 
        *In pandemic situation, submit the form via email to with cc to
      4. Students submit the form to The Faculty (Second Floor of Faculty Building).
        *In pandemic situation, submit the form via email to with cc to
      5. Students wait for the letter issuance (typically in a few days).
    3. If the company requires a proposal and the proposal needs signatures from specific person in the faculty, students can make a request letter and hand it to The UP-Math Secretariat.
      *In pandemic situation, submit the form via email to with cc to
    4. Students are responsible to inform the company about following details regarding the internship course:
      1. What the expected learning outcome of the internship course are.
      2. A big description of the internship course, including duration, number of credits, and report preparation.
      3. The need of assignment of person who will be the “Supervisor(s) from Company” for the students and required to fill in an assessment form provided by The UP-Math.

  2. After Students Get a Company as the Place for Internship
    1. Students informs The UP-Math about the name of the company and the detail contact of the supervisor(s) from company via email to, with cc to The UP Math will assign a supervisor(s) who will be called supervisor(s) from The UP-Math.
    2. Students need to request an application letter from The Faculty (with an exception to those who have requested before getting a company) referring to the following steps:
      1. Students fill in the Form Permohonan KP provided at The UP-Math Secretariat.
      2. After students get company’s agreement, the “dosen pembimbing” indicated in the form is one of the supervisors assigned by The UP-Math.
      3. Students submit the filled form which has been signed by the students and the supervisor to the Secretariat of The UP-Math and then to the Secretariat of Department of Mathematics to be signed.
        *In pandemic situation, submit the form via email to with cc to
      4. Students submit the form to The Faculty (Second Floor of Faculty Building).
      5. Students wait for the letter issuance (typically in a few days).
    3. Students needs to have a good communication with all the supervisors regarding the progress of the internship.
    4. Students do the internship and prepare a report under supervision of the supervisor(s) from The UP-Math and supervisor(s) from company. The report is prepared following the template that can be downloaded here. Note that an approved logbook needs to be included in the report.
    5. The final report needs to be accepted by both sides of supervisor(s), indicated by signatures; the report needs to be accepted by the supervisor(s) from company first.

  3. Assessment Process
    1. The UP-Math will send a letter to supervisor(s) from company and supervisor(s) from The UP-Math to request assessment for students.
    2. Students submit the final report of the internship within 2 (two) months after Internship finish to all supervisor(s). If during the two months the students fail to submit the final report, the internship is considered to be cancelled.
    3. Internship assessment should be done right after the internship final report is submitted and approved. The supervisors are allowed to ask students to do an oral presentation to obtain the assessment result.
    4. The assessment result should be submitted to The UP-Math no more than a week after the final report is submitted.
    5. Students may be asked to remind the supervisor(s) regarding assessment in case after a certain time no assessment is submitted to the UP-Math.
    6. Students submit the softcopy of the final report to The UP-Math Secretariat via email to In addition, if requested by the company, students may be required to submit the final report to the company.

List of Destination Companies for Internship

  1. PT. Packet System Indonesia
  2. IBM
  3. PT. AIA Jasindo
  4. DAN (Dentsu AEGIS Network)
  5. PT. Bukit Asam (beserta anak perusahaan)
  6. NGO (Non-Governmental Organization)
  7. PT. Mega Indonesia
  8. PT. Maipark
  9. Bukalapak
  10. The Djakarta Post
  11. PT. Antam (beserta anak perusahaan)
  12. PT. Timah (beserta anak perusahaan)
  13. PT. Cybertrend Intra Buana
  14. PT. Smart Data
  15. Biro Pusat Statistik (Statistics Center Bureau)
  16. Jogja Digital Valley 
  17. PT. Sun Life Financial Indonesia
  18. PFI Mega Life Insurance
  19. PT. Blue Bird
  20. PT. Agriterra

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