Program Sarjana Program Studi Matematika (in the Indonesian Language) or The Undergraduate Program of Mathematics Universitas Gadjah Mada (in short: Bc-Math) was officially established based on the letter of decision of Ministry of Education and Culture Republic Indonesia No. 53759/Kab, 19 September 1955, as the first programme at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (in short: FMNS). Therefore September 19th, 1955 is the official founding date of the Bc-Math.

The Bc-Math is conducted under the Department of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada. In running its academic program the Bc-Math is supported by five groups of expertise: algebra, analysis, applied mathematics,  mathematical computation, and statistics. These five groups of expertise are involving academic staff under the Department of Mathematics as its members.

Type of the Bc-Math is full-time study. The program is run five days a week from Monday until Friday, from 07.30 am until 08.10 pm. All academic activities take place in the Faculty Campus located at Sekip Utara Bulaksumur Yogyakarta Indonesia. Lectures are mostly given by academic staff from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada. Lectures are supported by some facilities such as whiteboards, overhead projectors, lecture notes, a learning portal (https://elok.ugm.ac.id), and an academic portal (https://simaster.ugm.ac.id) as the main portal for all academic administration.

In accordance with Government Regulation No. 30/1990, the degree of the graduates is S.Si. (Sarjana Sains/Bachelor of Science). The degree is awarded after a student completes at least 144 credits consisting of some compulsory courses and some elective courses designed for 8 semesters or 4 years. One credit unit is equal to three-hour activities per week in one semester comprising one hour of scheduled lecture (face-to-face lecture), one hour planned (by the lecturers) yet unscheduled activities (such as doing homework and reports writing), and an hour standalone study. Thus, one credit unit is equivalent to about 16×3 hour activities or is equal to 1.7 EC (1 EC is equivalent to 28-hour activities).

Academic Info

Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis Defense

