Metric (Mathematics Tutorial and Consultation) has been launched on the Day Meet and Greet on Friday August 9th, 2019. Grab it fast Dear Students…
Please come to Metric Room at 3rd Floor Dept. Math. Building. In case you don’t meet any fasilitator, please contact the number available in front of the room. Thank you.
On Saturday, May 19, 2018, the UP-Math UGM held Undergraduate Thesis Studium Generale for UP-Math students who will take Undergraduate Thesis as of Semester I 2018/2019.
In this event, the UP-Math gave an explanation of the Undergraduate Thesis in a new format, i.e. 9 credits (See:, and three students of the UP-Math presented their undergraduate thesis, to initiate the implementation of Undergraduate Thesis in the new format.
At the end of November 2017, on Tuesday 21 November 2017, the Department of Mathematics (especially the Undergraduate Programme in Mathematics) has alumni guest, that is Mr. Jacob Ivan. He is a graduate of Undergraduate Programme in Mathematics (class 2007), and currently works in a company engaged in the field of IT. Besides his busy in work, he also served as Chairman of GALATIKA UGM (Family of Mathematics Alumni UGM).
Mr. Jacob Ivan shared his experience with students of Undergraduate Programme in Mathematics UGM and competence of math graduates in a career. The event packed in the form of lectures and discussions was attended by about 30 students of Undergraduate Programme in Mathematics UGM. This event took place smoothly and with the active discussion between the speaker and the students.
Program Sarjana Prodi Matematika FMIPA UGM ikut serta dalam MaG-D (Mathematical Analysis & Geometry Day) 2017 yang diselenggarakan di ITB pada hari Sabtu, 29 April 2017, dengan mengirimkan sepuluh mahasiwa perwakilan Program Sarjana Prodi Matematika UGM, yang dikelompokkan dalam lima tim:
Garry Ariel dan Kurniawan (UGM1);
Resita Sri Wahyuni dan Mohamad Fahruli Wahyujati (UGM2);
Muhammad Musta’in dan Muhammad Ihsan (UGM3);
Mu’amar Musa Nurwigantara dan Dani Natanael (UGM4);
Mufti Al Ummam dan Alzimna Badril Umam (UGM5);
(urutan berdasarkan nomor pendaftaran)
Untuk kategori kelompok, Tim UGM 3 (Muhammad Musta’in dan Muhammad Ihsan) berhasil meraih Juara II dan Tim UGM 2 (Resita Sri Wahyuni dan Mohamad Fahruli Wahyujati) berhasil meraih peringkat Harapan I.
Untuk kategori individu, Perwakilan Matematika UGM memperoleh 4 medali emas, 3 perak, dan 2 perunggu. Medali emas diraih oleh Resita Sri Wahyuni, Garry Ariel, Muhamad Musta’in, dan Muhammad Ihsan. Medali perak diperoleh oleh Mu’amar Musa Nurwigantara, Alzimna Badril Umam, dan Dani Natanael. Sedangkan medali perunggu diraih oleh Mohamad Fahruli Wahyujati dan Mufti Al Ummam.