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Press Release: Webinar on the Strategic Role of Data Protection Officers and the Launch of the Center for Cryptography and Cyber Security Studies at FMIPA UGM
Yogyakarta, December 21, 2023 – The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FMIPA UGM) has successfully hosted a webinar entitled “The Strategic Role of Data Protection Officers” and inaugurated the Cryptography and Cyber Security Studies Center on Thursday, December 21, 2023.
The event commenced with the inauguration of the Cryptography and Cyber Security Studies Center, highlighted by the ceremonial cutting of a traditional rice cone by the Dean of FMIPA UGM, Prof. Kuwat Triyana, which was then presented to the Center’s Head, Prof. Indah Emilia Wijayanti.
The webinar featured key speakers such as Anwar Siregar, Director of CBQA Global, who discussed “Data Protection Officer (DPO): Regulations, Potential, Implementation, and Future Outlook.” Following him, Anton Setyawan, CEO of Betaprivacy.id, emphasized the significance of data protection knowledge for entities handling sensitive data, and delved into cyber security, its challenges, and potential solutions.
The third presenter, Prof. Dr. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, M.Si., who leads the Cryptography and Cyber Security Studies Center at FMIPA UGM, introduced the newly established center and announced the upcoming DPO Training scheduled for February 2024.
This initiative aims to elevate awareness and understanding of data protection and cyber security’s criticality in today’s digital era, marking a pivotal move by FMIPA UGM in the realms of cryptography and cyber security. This effort is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 4 on Quality Education and Goal 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities. For further details about the Cryptography and Cyber Security Studies Center at FMIPA UGM and its activities, interested parties are encouraged to follow the Instagram account of the Department of Mathematics FMIPA UGM at @mathugm.