Internship – BPJS


No50/Mat/ P-Mat/IX/2019

To Students who are interested to do Internship at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, please send an Application to Deputi Direktur bidang Human Capital.

Please particularly mention the division you want to join at. Thank you.

Ketua Program Sarjana Matematika


Pemberitahuan bagi mahasiswa / Alumni yang tercantum namanya dibawah ini mohon bantuannya segera untuk menandatangani presensi Ujian Tugas Akhir II bulan Juli 2019 di TU Program Studi Matematika Lantai 3.

1. Mayang Fatin Kusuma              NIM. 15/383334/PA/16994

2. Muhammad Natsir                    NIM 14/369617/PA/16403

3. Choirul Rahmaditya                 NIM 15/383327/PA/16987

4. Alzimna Badril Umam             NIM 15/381083/PA/16763

5. Sufyan Sidiq                              NIM 15/383345/PA/17005

Yogyakarta, 10 September 2019


Program Studi Matematika

Studium General of Undergraduate Thesis

Dear Students who take Undergraduate Thesis as of Semester I 2019/2020, we invite you to join Studium Generale of Undergraduate Thesis that will be held on

Day/Date                      : Wednesday/September 4, 2019

Time                              : 00.30-03.00 PM

Room                            : Meeting Room I Dept. of Mathematics 3rd Floor

Thank you for your attention.

Kind regards

The-UP Math



Academic Info

Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis Defense

