Internship Report

To students who taken internship this semester, please kindly submit the report (light blue covered, two copies) to the UP-Math secretariat, no later than Monday, March 18, 2019. Thank you.

                                                                                                                                                                             Yogyakarta, March 14, 2019

KRS Schedule for Students of Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo

Schedule of KRS online for students of Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo 
February 1 – 2, 2019 :  KRS Online Entry – by Students
February 3, 2019       : Feedback and approval – by Academic Advisor
February 4, 2019       : Follow up of the feedback and KRS revision -by Students
February 5, 2019       : Approval by Academic Advisor for the revised KRS.


Academic Info

Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis Defense

