Undergraduate thesis defense for Tito Dwi Hidayat


Undergraduate Thesis Defense – The UP-Math 

Student                              : Tito Dwi Hidayat.

Student ID Number        : 13/347878/PA/15385

Day/Date                          : Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

Time                                   : 10.00 AM

Room                                 : Seminar Room 2 – 3rd Floor – Dept. of Math. Building

Examiners                        :

  1. Nanang Susyanto, M. Sc., Dr. ( Supervisor )
  2. Lina Aryati, MS., Dr. ( First Examiner )
  3. Irwan Endrayanto, M. Sc., Dr.
  4. Sutjijana, M. Sc., Dr.

Academic Info

Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis Defense

