Author Archive

Defense – Sarah Ayu Nanda, Friday, November 15, 2019 at 08.00 AM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics


Name          : Sarah Ayu Nanda

Number      : 14/366035/PA/16198

Day/Date    : Friday, November 15, 2019

Time           : 08.00 AM

Room          : Seminar Room Dept.of Math. 1st Floor

Examiner    :

  1. Imam Solekhudin, M. Si., Dr. ( Supervisor )
  2. Sumardi, M. Si., Dr. ( First examiner )
  3. Ari Suparwanto, M. Si., Dr..
  4. Budi Surodjo, M. Si. Dr.

Call for ON MIPA

To all students who are interested to join ON MIPA, please come and join a meeting with Prof. Dr. Ch. Rini Indrati, M. Si. on Tuesday, October 29th, 2019 at 05.10 PM at Seminar Room I, 3rd Floor Dept. Math. Building.


Thank you.

Defense, Bagus Gilang Ramadhan, Thursday, October 17, 2019, 10.00 AM

Undergraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Programme of Mathematics


Name          : Bagus Gilang Ramadhan

Number      : 15/383326/PA/16986

Day/Date   : Thursday, 17 Oktober 2019

Time           : 10.00 AM

Room          : Seminar Room 2 Dept.of Math. 3 rd Floor

Examiner    :

  1. Dwi Ertiningsih, S. Si., M. Si. ( Supervisor )
  2. Imam Solekhudin, M. Si., Dr. ( First examiner )
  3. Sumardi, M. Si., Dr.
  4. Ari Dwi Hartanto, S. Si., M. Sc.

Academic Info

Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis Defense

