Open Recruitment by AXA Mandiri

To The UP Math alumnae (graduated in 2017-2018) or students who have been judiciary approved , we announce that on March 22nd, 2018, there will be an open recruitment by AXA Mandiri, which will take place at Main Conference Room, 3rd Floor of Mathematics Building. To you who are interested in and are eligible, please kindly come and bring your CV and your transcript of record as well, with you. The minimum required GPA is 3.25.

Thank you.

Selection for Contingent of MagDay ITB 2018

To you who are interested in joining MagD (Mathematical Analysis & Geometry Day) ITB Friday-Saturday April 20-21, 2018, we announce that the UP-Math will do a selection for UP-Math MagDay contingent. The selection will be held on Wednesday, March 14th, 2018 (time and place will be announced later). Please register your name via the following form by signing UGM email account prior, no later than Friday, March 9th, 2018 at 01.00 PM. Thank you.

List of Graders – Semester II 2017/2018

We first would like to thank all participants of grader recruitment this period. Due to our need and after a careful consideration, we come to the final decision below. To all graders, we congratulate you and please kindly contact the coressponding lecturers as soon as possible. Thank you very much.



Announcement : Judicium for January 2018

As Judicium for January 2018 will be held on

Day        : Thursday, December 25, 2017

Time     : 03.00 – 05.00 PM

Room   : Conference Room KPTU FMIPA UGM (2nd Floor)

we invite you to submit the required documents for judicium no later than Monday, January 22th, 2017 at 03.00 PM  to the Academic Secretariat FMIPA.


Thank you very much.

Announcement : Judicium for December

As Judicium for December will be held on

Day        : Friday, December 22, 2017

Time     : 01.00 – 03.00 PM

Room   : Conference Room KPTU FMIPA UGM (2nd Floor)

we invite you to submit the required documents for judicium no later than Wednesday, December 20th, 2017 to the Academic Secretariat FMIPA.


Thank you very much.

Global Undergraduate Exchange Program

Global Undergraduate Exchange Program

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (also known as the Global UGRAD Program) is sponsored by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. It is a fully-funded scholarship for one semester of non-degree academic study at an assigned U.S. college or university.

It aims to recruit participants from underrepresented, non-elite backgrounds and emerging leaders committed to their home communities. Successful applicants get an in-depth exposure to US society, culture, and academic institutions, a chance to enhance their knowledge, and an opportunity to share their cultures and traditions with people in the United States.

All participants will be enrolled in full-time, non-degree, undergraduate course work chosen from their host institution’s existing curriculum. Participants will be required to enroll in at least two courses in their major and at least one course in a U.S. Studies field, such as U.S. history, literature, art, or government. Participants will live in campus housing facilities with American peers, and will be required to participate in twenty hours of community service. There will also be a virtual arrival orientation and an in-person end-of-program workshop.

Grant benefits include international travel, tuition, room and board, accident/sickness insurance, monthly stipend, and funding for books.


Applicants should:

  • Be an Indonesian citizen
  • Be over 18 years of age
  • Be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program (S1/D4) in Indonesia, having completed a minimum of one semester of study and having at least one more semester to complete at their home institution upon return. Preference will be given to those who are in their third or fifth semester.
  • Demonstrate leadership potential through academic work, community involvement, and extracurricular activities
  • Demonstrate a command of written and spoken English as attested by a recent (less than two years old) TOEFL ITP or TOEFL Prediction score of 500
  • Be committed to return directly to Indonesia after the completion of the program

Preference will be given to those who have had little or no experience in the US or outside of their home countries. Only short-listed candidates will be notified for personal interview.

The following applicants are ineligible:

  • US citizens and permanent residents of the United States
  • Individuals currently studying, residing, or working outside of Indonesia
  • Local employees of the US missions abroad who work for the US Department of State and/or the US Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • Immediate family members (i.e., spouses and children) of US Department of State and USAID employees; family members are also ineligible for one year following the termination of employment
  • Current World Learning and AMINEF employees and their immediate family members


The deadline for the online submission of application materials for the program is December 31, 2017.

How to Apply

Candidates should complete the online application which can only be accessed from November 1 to December 31, 2017.

Submission Requirements (to be supplied in English)

  • Two letters of reference, one from a lecturer from the applicant’s major field of study, the other from another lecturer, an employer, a coach, or a community work supervisor
  • Photocopy of Indonesian ID card (KTP)
  • The latest university progress report / transcript in Indonesian and English

The transcript and other materials must be prepared before the deadline, since you will not be able to add additional information on the online application form after that date.

After the online application has been submitted, candidates should inform staff at AMINEF via email attaching their scanned TOEFL ITP or TOEFL Prediction score to, with the email subject, “[Your Full Name] – Completed Global UGRAD Online Form.”

Please note that there are requirements unique to the Indonesia program, which may differ from details on the World Learning website. For applicants from Indonesia, please refer to the above requirements when applying to this program and direct all your questions to AMINEF staff.

More Information

Please also visit the following links for more information on the program:

Contact Information

Specific questions regarding the application process may be addressed via email to the following address:

Global UGRAD

Academic Info

Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis Defense

