Sharing Experience In Mathematics and Career

At the end of November 2017, on Tuesday 21 November 2017, the Department of Mathematics (especially the Undergraduate Programme in Mathematics) has alumni guest, that is Mr. Jacob Ivan. He is a graduate of Undergraduate Programme in Mathematics (class 2007), and currently works in a company engaged in the field of IT. Besides his busy in work, he also served as Chairman of GALATIKA UGM (Family of Mathematics Alumni UGM).

Mr. Jacob Ivan shared his experience with students of Undergraduate Programme in Mathematics UGM and competence of math graduates in a career. The event packed in the form of lectures and discussions was attended by about 30 students of Undergraduate Programme in Mathematics UGM. This event took place smoothly and with the active discussion between the speaker and the students.



Sharing on Math, Softskill and Career, November 21, 2017

The chair of GALATIKA (Keluarga Alumni Matematika), Mr. Jacob Ivan (PT. Sinar Mas) was sharing his experience on mathematics, soft skill and career to some students of the UP-Math, on Tuesday morning, November 21st, 2017. 




Invitation for Students of Year 2016 or 2017


To all students of year 2016 or 2017, we invite you on 

Day/Date         :  Wednesday, October 25th, 2017

Time                 :  1. 00.30 – 01.30 PM for students of year 2017

                              2. 01.30 – 02.30 PM for students of year 2016

Room               :  Conference Room 3rd Floor of Mathematics Building 

Agenda            :  1. Sharing

                             2. socialization about ASIIN accreditation  

                                                                                                                   Chair of the UP-Math

Calling for Graders

To the following graders (of Semester II 2016/2017), please kindly come to the programme secretariat as soon as possible. Thank you.     








Discrete Mathematics

Al. Sutjijana, Drs.,,  Dr.
Yeni susanti, Dr.

Sufyan Sidiq



Teory of Optimization

Salmah, M.Si., Dr. Prof.

Shidka Hilda Maghfiroh



Introduction to Partial

Differential Equation

Lina Aryati, Dra., M.S., Dr.rer.nat.

Joseph Julian Aslan



Calculus II

Imam solekhudin, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.d

Fitria Nurul Azizah


Invitation : Studium Generale on Undergraduate Thesis

To all students who have been enrolled for undergraduate thesis as of this semester and have never joint SGTA (Studium Generale on Undergraduate Thesis) before, we invite you (as an obligatory) to join the next “Studium Generale on Undergraduate Thesis ” on Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 12.30 until 14.30 pm at Main Meeting Room 3rd floor of Mathematics Building. Please confirm your attendance before 04.00 pm on Tuesday September 5, 2017 by WA or email to the UP-Math secretariat. See this link for the official invitation. Thank you.

Academic Info

Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis Defense

