Invitation : Studium Generale on Undergraduate Thesis

To all students who have been enrolled for undergraduate thesis as of this semester and have never joint SGTA (Studium Generale on Undergraduate Thesis) before, we invite you (as an obligatory) to join the next “Studium Generale on Undergraduate Thesis ” on Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 12.30 until 14.30 pm at Main Meeting Room 3rd floor of Mathematics Building. Please confirm your attendance before 04.00 pm on Tuesday September 5, 2017 by WA or email to the UP-Math secretariat. See this link for the official invitation. Thank you.



We invite the following names to meet the Chair of the UP-Math Third Floor of Mathematics Building on 

                    1. Friday,  August 4, 2017 at 2.30 pm or

                    2. Monday,  August 7, 2017 at 8.00–9.00 pm




Student ID Nr.

Final Project Start


Rita Purwani



II. 2015/2016


Maulida Rahmasari



I. 2016/2017


Slamet Aprilianto



II. 2014/2015         

                                                                                                             Yogyakarta, August 4, 2017

                                                                                                              Chair of the UP-Math


                                                                                                                Ch. Rini Indrati, Dr., Prof. 

Invitation (sambung rasa)

Kepada yang kami sayangi

Adik adik mahasiswa PS S1 Matematika

Angkatan 2011 atau Angkatan 2012 atau Angkatan 2013

Departemen Matematika FMIPA UGM


dengan ini kami mengharap kehadiran Adik-adik semua pada acara SAMBUNG RASA yang akan diselenggarakan pada

Hari/Tanggal                      : Selasa/ 8 Agustus 2017

Pukul                                   : 10.00 s.d. 11.30 WIB untuk Angkatan 2011

                                               11.30 s.d. 13.00 WIB untuk Angkatan 2012

                                                09.00 s.d. 10.00 WIB untuk Angkatan 2013

Tempat                               : Ruang Sidang Departemen Lantai III FMIPA UGM


Atas perhatian dan kehadirannya kami sampaikan terima kasih.


Ketua PS S1 Matematika


Effective Communication Training

To all undergraduate alumnae of Dept. of Mathematics of graduation period (February, May, August and November) 2017, we invite you to join a Training on Effective Communication that will be held on August 14-15, 2017 by Dept. of Mathematics. The number  of participants will be limited. Please kindly check the following poster for more detailed information. Don’t be late… register your self… !!!


Urgent : Announcement

  • Khaira UllyMursyid
  • Mikraj Agung Muhammad
  • Aulia Khifah Futhona
  • Alziman Bad Ril Umam
  • Mayang Fati Kusuma
  • Selvi Faritasari                                                                                                                                                                              Dimohon segera ke sekretariat Prodi Matematika untuk mengambil HR Grader Sem I (ganjil )  tahun akademik 2016/2017. Terima kasih.

Academic Info

Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis Defense

