Sharing Informasi dan Pengalaman KP
Adik-Adik Angkatan 2015 dan Angkatan 2016,
kami mengundang Adik-Adik untuk hadir pada Acara “Sharing Informasi dan Pengalaman Kerja Praktek” yang akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu/8 Mei 2019
Pukul : 11.00-13.30 WIB
Tempat : Ruang Sidang I Lantai 3 Departemen Matematika
Adik-Adik yang tidak dapat hadir pada acara tersebut, dimohon untuk melaporkan ke prodi. Terima kasih.
Sharing by User (PFI Mega Life Insurance)
Dear Students, we cordially invite you all to attend Sharing Session by User (PFI Mega Life Insurance) on
Day/Date : Jumat/12 April 2019
Time : 09.00-11.30 WIB
Place :
Announcement – MagDay 2019
kontingen MagDay 2019Jadwal Tutorial – 2nd Update
TUTORIAL SEMESTER II 2018 update 2Updated Tutorial Schedule
Selection for MAGDay 2019
To those who are interested in joining MAGDay Selection 2019, please kindly fill out this form by Monday March 11th, 2019 at 03.00 PM. Thank you.
Graders – Semester II 2018/2019
Here we announce the result of grader recruitment of Semester II 2018/2019. We thank you all of the participants. To the selected graders, please soon see the corresponding instructors no later than a week after this announcement. Also,please kindly fill this form. Thank you.
Grader Sem II 1819 untuk mahasiswa
Studium General for Undergraduate Thesis Writing Sem II 2018/2019
To those who will join, please kindly fill out the following form (login to UGM account is required) by February 28, 2019 at 03.00 PM. Thank you.