Syllabi of Capita Selecta of Applied Mathematics A by Dr. Solikhatun
Please find the syllabi at the following link.
Please find the syllabi at the following link.
To students of Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, consultation of KRS – Semester II / 2017-2018 will be on Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 07.30 until 09.30 AM and Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 09.00 until 10.00 AM. Approval will be only for those who have consulted Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo. Thank you.
To students who will take Undergraduate Thesis – Literature Study (and Skripsi) for the first time, please kindly register yourself by filling the form here by Wednesday, January 31st, 2018 at 03.00 PM. Thank you.
As Judicium for January 2018 will be held on
Day : Thursday, December 25, 2017
Time : 03.00 – 05.00 PM
Room : Conference Room KPTU FMIPA UGM (2nd Floor)
we invite you to submit the required documents for judicium no later than Monday, January 22th, 2017 at 03.00 PM to the Academic Secretariat FMIPA.
Thank you very much.
As Judicium for December will be held on
Day : Friday, December 22, 2017
Time : 01.00 – 03.00 PM
Room : Conference Room KPTU FMIPA UGM (2nd Floor)
we invite you to submit the required documents for judicium no later than Wednesday, December 20th, 2017 to the Academic Secretariat FMIPA.
Thank you very much.
Please kindly check the invitation in the following link:
Und. sarasehan dng Mhsw 7 Des 2017
Thank you.
Tutorial of this semester is scheduled as follows:
Tutorials will begin at 3rd week of September (as of September 11, 2017)
Thank you.
To all students who have been enrolled for undergraduate thesis as of this semester and have never joint SGTA (Studium Generale on Undergraduate Thesis) before, we invite you (as an obligatory) to join the next “Studium Generale on Undergraduate Thesis ” on Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 12.30 until 14.30 pm at Main Meeting Room 3rd floor of Mathematics Building. Please confirm your attendance before 04.00 pm on Tuesday September 5, 2017 by WA or email to the UP-Math secretariat. See this link for the official invitation. Thank you.
We inform for all students who take courses with laboratory work that laboratory work will be started by August 28, 2017.
Click here for the class information, and click here for the schedule.
To students taking final project as of this semester, we announce your supervisor as follows. Please contact your supervisor within a week after this announcement. Thank you.
Nr. | Student | Supervisor |
1 | Abdul Salim | Nanang Susyanto, M.Si., Ph.D. |
2 | Achyar Ulul Amri | Irwan Endrayanto, M.Sc., Dr. |
3 | Amira Istiqhfarin | Sri Wahyuni, M.Si., Dr., Prof. |
4 | Anggita Windi Tiasari | Imam Solekhudin, M. Si., Dr. |
5 | Atika Agustina | Fajar Adi Kusumo, M.Si., Dr. |
6 | Baiq Ulfa Aziza Kharisma | Yusuf, Drs., M.A. |
7 | Burhan Abdurrahman Tsabit | Imam Solekhudin, M. Si., Dr. |
8 | Christopher Aldora Tjitrabudi | Diah Junia Eksi P., Dra., MS, Dr. |
9 | Dea Maulidya | Al. Sutjijana, M.Sc., Dr. |
10 | Desi Lestari | Solikhatun, M.Si., Dr. |
11 | Devika Pramastya Tiarawati | Salmah, M. Si., Dr. Prof. |
12 | Dian Natalia | Irwan Endrayanto, M.Sc., Dr. |
13 | Erina Putri Astari | Indarsih, S. Si., M. Si., Dr. |
14 | Galih Yudhitya Utama | Lina Aryati, M.S., Dr. |
15 | Hardillah Nurrahmahdini | Yusuf, Drs., M.A. |
16 | Iing Fitria Kurniasari | Supama, M.Si., Dr., Prof. |
17 | Indra Maulana Ikhsan | Umi Mahnuna Hanung, M.Si. |
18 | Iqbal Jundi Hammadi | Nanang Susyanto, M.Si., Ph.D. |
19 | Joseph Julian Aslan | Ari Suparwanto, M. Si., Dr. |
20 | Kun Haniva | Sri Wahyuni, M.Si., Dr., Prof. |
21 | Lutfiana Armadiani | Imam Solekhudin, M. Si., Dr. |
22 | Maulida Rahmasari | Yeni Susanti, M.Si., Dr. |
23 | Mifta Lutfiani | Dwi Ertiningsih, S. Si., M. Si. |
24 | Miranti Nabiylah | Irwan Endrayanto, M.Sc., Dr. |
25 | Mohamad Fahruli Wahyujati | Yeni Susanti, M.Si., Dr. |
26 | Mu’amar Musa Nurwigantara | Sri Wahyuni, M.Si., Dr., Prof. |
27 | Nur Azizah | Ch. Rini Indrati, M. Si., Dr. Prof. |
28 | Nurul Azizah | Lina Aryati, M.S., Dr. |
29 | Pande Made Dina Mayana | Ch. Rini Indrati, M. Si., Dr. Prof. dan Nur Khusnussaadah, M.Si. |
30 | Resita Sri Wahyuni | Yeni Susanti, M.Si., Dr. |
31 | Rezy Ardiani Putri | Fajar Adi Kusumo, M.Si., Dr. |
32 | Rita Purwani | Atok Zulijanto, M. Si., Dr. |
33 | Riza Rayhan Wajdi | Salmah, M. Si., Dr. Prof. |
34 | Safita Ema Amalia | Indarsih, S. Si., M. Si., Dr. |
35 | Siti Andriana Rahmayanti | Dwi Ertiningsih, S. Si., M. Si. |
36 | Slamet Aprilianto | Yeni Susanti, M.Si., Dr. |
37 | Tito Dwi Hidayat | Nanang Susyanto, M.Si., Ph.D. |
38 | Umnia Syahida Zulfa | Indarsih, S. Si., M. Si., Dr. |
39 | Yanuar Hartanto | Salmah, M. Si., Dr. Prof. |
40 | Yulia Kurniasih | Salmah, M. Si., Dr. Prof. |