Announcement : Reregistration for undergraduate thesis

To the following names, please kindly re-register (due to undergraduate thesis) to the secretariat of the UP-Math  :

Nr. First Supervisor  Second Supervisor   Student Year ID Number Semester of start    
2 Widodo, SU., Dr., Prof. 1 Maulana Adhe Satria 2011 14148 II. 2015/2016    
  Widodo, SU., Dr., Prof. 2 Sugeng Widhiyanto 2011 14088 II. 2015/2016    
  Widodo, SU., Dr., Prof. 3 Arrifqi Muharrami 2011 14051  I. 2016/2017    
  Widodo, SU., Dr., Prof. 4 Galih Setiawan 2011 14089  I. 2016/2017    
  Widodo, SU., Dr., Prof. 5 Ocktavia Shabrina Putri 2012 14554  I. 2016/2017    
3 Yusuf, Drs., MA 1 Dzulfiqor Satria W 2012 14917 II. 2015/2016    
4 Diah Junia Eksi P., Dra., MS 1 Agita Diba Vadiansa 2012 14808  II. 2015/2016    
  Diah Junia Eksi P., Dra., MS 2 Rizka Trimulyani 2012 14764  I. 2016/2017    
  Diah Junia Eksi P., Dra., MS 3 Velixia Sofia Jelo 2012 14632  I. 2016/2017    
5 Lina Aryati, MS., Dr 1 Slamet Aprilianto 2011 13713 II. 2014/2015    
  Lina Aryati, MS., Dr 2 Hafiidhia Rahmahati 2011 14162 II. 2014/2015    
  Lina Aryati, MS., Dr 3 Siti Roofi’ah 2013 15427  I. 2016/2017    
6 Salmah,  M. Si., Dr 1 M. Aulia El-Hoq A. 2011 14099  II. 2014/2015    
  Salmah,  M. Si., Dr 2 Mauri Ericson Sombowadile 2010 13053 II. 2016/2017    
8 Budi Surodjo,  M.Si., Dr 1 Arief Wahyu K 2008 12079  II. 2011/2012    
  Budi Surodjo,  M.Si., Dr 2 Rahmawati Surya Utami 2012 14731  I. 2016/2017    
9 Ch. Rini Indrati, M. Si., Dr 1 Garry Ariel 2013 15395  I. 2016/2017    
  Ch. Rini Indrati, M. Si., Dr 2 Jeani Arum Retnowati 2013 15283  I. 2016/2017    
11 Indah Emilia Wijayanti, M. Si., Dr  Budi Surojo,M.Si., Dr.  2 Willy Sumarno 2012 14831  I. 2015/2016    
12 Sumardi, M. Si., Dr 1 Aqnisty Putri Noor R.S. 2012 14510  I. 2015/2016    
  Fajar Adi Kusumo, M.Si., Dr 2 Anjasswari Fatona. D 2011 13660  I. 2015/2016    
17 Irwan Endrayanto, M.Sc., Dr 1 Silvia Anggraini 2010 13140 II. 2013/2014    
18 Imam Solekhudin, M. Si., Dr 2 Ahmad Husain 2013 15597  II. 2016/2017    
22 Solikhatun, M., Si., Dr. 1 Farah Aisyah Sulaiman 2013 15390  I. 2016/2017    

Substitution of Supervisors


We announce that the following students should once again register for final project due to substitute supervisors. Thank you




Student ID number 

Start of Final Project


Rita Purwani



II. 2015/2016


Maulida Rahmasari



I. 2016/2017


Slamet Aprilianto



II. 2014/2015         

Online Registration for Undergraduate Thesis (Literature Study) – Semester I 2017/2018

Students have to chose two fields of interest and for each field of interest, students should propose two supervisor candidates. The list of the lectures and their coresponding field are available at this site.

Students who are going to take undrergraduate thesis (literature study) of applied mathematics field, have to take at least one elective course among Introduction to Theory of System, Introduction to Theory of Optimization, Dynamical System) with grade at least C.

To extend the undergraduate thesis, students sufficiently re-register only by submitting a study plan card (KRS) of Semester I 2017/2018 assigned by academic supervisor.

Registration for new undergraduate thesis is done via 
online registration form by signing at UGM email account at prior.

Registration will be closed at Saturday, August 12, 2017.

Thank you.

Sillaby of KS – Applied Mathematics Semester I 2017/2018 (Dr. Solikhatun)




Dosen Pengampu matakuliah : Dr. Solikhatun, S.Si, M. Si.

Tujuan pembelajaran mata kuliah ini adalah mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan metode reduksi order model pada sistem linier dan mempunyai pengetahuan studi lanjut tentang reduksi model.




  1. Sistem Linier

1.1.  Bentuk umum sistem linier, beberapa contoh sistem linier berorde tinggi

1.2.  Sifat-sifat sistem linier terkait dengan Gramian

  1. Reduksi Order Model pada Sistem Linier

2.1.  Motivasi

2.2.  Prinsip dasar reduksi model

  1. Metode Reduksi Order Model

3.1.  Metode barisan akar kestabilan (Roots Stability Array),

3.2.  Metode pemotongan setimbang (Balanced Truncation),

3.3 Metode perturbasi singular (Singular Perturbation)

3.4 Contoh reduksi order model pada masalah nyata

  1. Analisa dari Sistem Linier Tereduksi

4.1.  Sifat kestabilan sistem linier tereduksi

4.2.  Batas atas terkecil eror dari sistem asli dan sistem tereduksinya



















Announcement about Yudisium in August 2017

We inform students, who have defended the undergraduate thesis (skripsi) or will defend the undergraduate thesis (skripsi) soon,  that Yudisium will be held in August 2017. We suggest students for preparing all necessary documents for Yudisium.

For students, who are doing revisions of the undergraduate thesis, please finish the revisions as soon as possible.


Academic Info

Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis Defense

