Call for A Student Named Adrian W. Dewanto
Click here for the announcement.
Announcement for Students Under Supervision of Prof. Dr. Widodo
Click here for the announcement.
Registration for Workshop of Literature Study and Research Method, 18 February 2017
For undergraduate students who have never attended Lecture Study Literature and Research Methods and began to take the final project of the second semester of 2016/2017, it is required to follow the Literature Study Lecture which will be held on
Day: Saturday
Date: February 18, 2017
At 09.00 to 12.00 WIB
Venue: Seminar Room I, Dept. of Math. Building, 3rd Floor, FMNS UGM
Students are required to register by filling out the form in this link by first signing in UGM email. thanks.
List of Undergraduate Thesis Supervisors in Semester II 2016/2017
The following link is a list of the undergraduate thesis supervisors in Semester II 2016/2017. The students suggest meeting their supervisor soon, no later than 1 week after this announcement published.
Research Topics for Undergraduate Thesis in Analysis
Supervisor: Umi Mahnuna Hanung
E-mail Address:
(announced on 24th January, 2017)
1. The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral on Time Scales (the main reference issued in 2009)
2. On Bounded Semivariation and Simply-regulated Functions (the main reference issued in 1991 and 2015)
3. Regulated Functions and the Perron-Stieltjes Integral (the main reference issued in 1989)
4. Comparison of Young and Kurzweil-Stieltjes Integrals (the main reference issued in 1973 and 2002)
5. A study of the Kurzweil-Stieltjes Integral for Banach Space Valued Functions (the main reference issued in 1996 and 2010)
6. Linear Stieltjes Integral Equations in Banach Spaces (the main reference issued in 2000)
7. A Mathematical History of the Appearance of the Generalized Riemann Integration (the main references issued in 1957 and 2015)
8. The Lebesgue Integral with Nice Examples (the main reference issued in 2016)
9. Integration by Parts for Abstract Kurzweil-Stieltjes Integrals (the main reference issued in 2001)
10. Generalized Variational Inequalities (the main reference issued in 2002)
11. The Kurzweil-Stieltjes Integral and Hysteresis (the main reference issued in 2006)
12. An Application of the Kurzweil-Stieltjes Integral in Financial Market Modeling (the main reference issued in 2016)