Registration of Undergraduate Thesis Semester II 2018/2019
Dear Students,
to you who will take undergraduate thesis as of this semester, please kindly fill out the following form (login to UGM account is necessary prior). This registration will be closed on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 03.00 PM.
Thank you
(Bahasa Indonesia) Pengumuman pengembalian Bimbingan Tugas Akhir
Meet and Greet – The UP Math – Semester II 2018/2019
To all of students of Year 2012 – 2018, we invite you all to join “meet and greet” on Friday, February 8th, 2019 at
07.30 until 11.30 AM For students of year 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 :
- 07.30-09.00 AM Internship and Sharing by User
- 09.00-10.30 AM Meet and Greet
08.30 until 11.30 AM For students of year 2012, 2013, 2018
(Particularly for students of Year 2018, meet and greet will be preceded by “Opening Ceremony of Makrab”)
1. For students of year 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 at Auditorium FMIPA UGM
2. For students of year 2018 at Seminar Room I Dept. of Mathematics, 3rd Floor
3. For students of year 2012 at Seminar Room 2 Dept. of Mathematics, 3rd Floor
4. For students of year 2013 at Seminar Room 3 Dept. of Mathematics, 3rd Floor
Thank you for your attention and looking forward to your coming.
A call for Yanuar Hartanto and Maulida Rahmasari
To the following students:
1. Yanuar Hartanto , NIM 12/334629/PA/14862
2. Maulida Rhmasari , NIM 12/331457/PA/14710
please kindly see the Chair of UP-Math on Friday, January 25th, 2019 at about 09.00-11.30 AM.
Thank you.
English Club Discussion
We invite you to join English Club meeting on Wednesday, January 2, 2019 at 10.00-12.00 AM at Main Seminar Room 3rd Floor Dept. of Math.
Thank you
Announcement to Students taking UT I (3 Credits)
UT I Seminar shoud be held no later than 10 January 2019. Please kindly register as soon as possible. Thank you.
Yogyakarta 21 December 2018
Chair of the UP-Math
Invitation for Student Taking Internship Sem I 2018/2019
To all studnets taking Internship Sem. I 2018/2019, we invite you to join a meeting on
Day/Date : Thirsday / 20 December 2018
Time : 03.00 PM
Room : Seminar Room I Dept. of Math. 3rd Floor
Agend : Discussion on Internship
Ricky The Ising |
Ratih Kusuma |
Laura Haryo |
Klatenia |
Bagus Gilang Ramadhan |
Orchidania |
Jessi Wijaya |
Clara Mia Devira Simarmata |
Reyhan Winarta |
Lailannisa Yanfa |
Stacia Gunawan |
Setia Kusumaningrum |
Yogyakarta, 19 December 2018
Chair of the UP-Math
Registration for Undergraduate Thesis Seminar – Semester I 2018/2019
To all students who have taken Undergraduate as of Semester I 2018/2019, we inform you that you can register for seminar this semester, by filling the following form (please login your UGM account first). Prior, please kindly discuss with your supervisor when the seminar will be. Seminar can be held at your choice no later than a week before the next semester KRS (study plan card) filling period.Thank you.