METRIC is a facility for undergraduate students of mathematics study program of  Gadjah Mada University as a communication forum about lecture’s issues. During this pandemic, METRIC was organized online through various applications. Welcome to the METRIC and use this facility wisely.


General Rules

  1. METRIC only serves tutorials and consultations for a number of courses determined by the Mathematics Undergraduate Study Program of FMIPA UGM in each running semester.
  2. The list of courses facilitated by METRIC, the list of tutors, and the METRIC schedule can be seen on the website of Mathematics Undergraduate Study Program.
  3. Students who wish to consult on material/subject outside of the courses scheduled at METRIC are required to contact the tutor in advanced.
  4. Each course is scheduled for up to 10 consultation sessions (or tutorials) in one semester. One session is equivalent to 100 minutes per week.
  5. Online meetings for METRIC activities will be conducted through applications/media agreed upon by students and tutor.
  6. Students are not allowed to ask about assignments or take-home quizzes / tests.


Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

  1. Students view the METRIC schedule on the website of Mathematics Undergraduate Study Program or can directly contact the tutor regarding the METRIC schedule. This is to determine the schedule and media used for METRIC activities.
  2. Students join through the link created by the tutor or through other media that has been agreed upon.
  3. In implementing METRIC activities, students pay attention to the GENERAL RULES.
  4. Student’s attendance is seen from attendance at each recorded session or through online presence using google form or other methods.




Academic Info

Seminar and Undergraduate Thesis Defense

