Meet and Greet – Friday August 10, 2018
Seminar Room III
08.00-09.30 : Students of Year 2012, 2013
09.30-11.00 : Students of Year 2014
Seminar Room I
08.00-09.00 : Students of Year 2015
09.00-10.00 : Students of Year 2016
10.00-11.00 : Students of Year 2017
See you…
Und. sarasehan dng Mhsw 10 Agst 2018
(Bahasa Indonesia) Pengumuman Konsultasi KRS-an
Job Vacancy – Paragon
Grab the opportunity…
Alumni Gathering (UP-Math) 2018
Undergraduate Thesis Studium Generale for Taking as of Semester I 2018/2019
On Saturday, May 19, 2018, the UP-Math UGM held Undergraduate Thesis Studium Generale for UP-Math students who will take Undergraduate Thesis as of Semester I 2018/2019.
In this event, the UP-Math gave an explanation of the Undergraduate Thesis in a new format, i.e. 9 credits (See:, and three students of the UP-Math presented their undergraduate thesis, to initiate the implementation of Undergraduate Thesis in the new format.
To Graders of Introduction to Partial Differential Equation and Calculus II – Sem. II 2017/2018, please kindly see Dr. Lina Aryati, MS. at her room soon. Thank you.
JICA Scholarship for Master Program at Univ.of Tsukuba Japan
Please read the following information:
Univ of Tsukuba mendapatkan jatah dua orang mahasiswa untuk direkomendasikan ke program master (September 2018) dengan full support dari Beasiswa JICA (
Bagi yang berminat bisa mengirimkan cv singkat (profil, tema skripsi, bahasa programming yg dikuasai (diutamakan yg menguasai FPGA), nilai TOEFL/IELTS) ke alamat paling lambat tanggal 10 April 2018 untuk diteruskan dan diseleksi oleh professor di Dept CS.
Adapun syaratnya sbb:
– Lulus dari universitas sesuai rekomendasi JICA (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Hasanuddin, Universitas Darma Persada, Bogor Agricultural University).
– Umur dibawah 35 tahun (per 1 September 2018).
– Sudah mendapatkan gelar sarjana (per 1 September 2018).
To Graders Semester II 2017/2018
To all graders, please come to the UP-Math Secretariat to take the honorarium of grading this semester. Thank you very much.
Job Vacancy : Fast Track Recruitment ( Angkasa Pura )
Please check this out:
Job Vacancy