Skripsi Submission Deadline for Students of year 2010 or 2011
Penyerahan berkas TA_mhs masa studi akhir Sem II 2017_2018Reregistration for Undergraduate Thesis
To all students who have not given your “Study Plan Card (KRS) Semester II 2017/2018” to the UP-Math Secretariat, or who have not re-registered for undergraduate thesis, please kindly come to the secretariat and bring the required documents soon, no later than Thursday February 15th, 2018 at 02.00 PM. Thank you very much for your attention.
Chair of the UP-Math
Studium Generale of Undergraduate Thesis – Semester II 2017/2018
Peng SG Sem II 2017Undergraduate Thesis Supervisor (new) Semester II 2017/2018
DPTA Sem II 1718 untuk WEB ENAnnouncement – Undergraduate Thesis – Semester II 2017/2018
- To all students who registered for undergraduate thesis via online, please kindly bring your Study Plan Card/KRS Semester II 2017/2018 signed by your academic supervisor and bring also your transcript legalized by the faculty academic office FMNS.
- To students who have been taking undergraduate thesis for more than two (2) semesters until Semester II 2017/2018, please write a statement letter available at the UP-Math Secretariat.
Reregistration and prerequisite document collection for new undergraduate thesis will be closed on Friday, February 2nd, 2018. Thank you for your attention.
Chair of the UP-Math
Syllabi of Capita Selecta of Analysis Semester II 2017/2018 by Umi Mahnuna Hanung, M.Si.
Topic: Kurzweil-Stieltjes Integral and Its Applications
1. Step functions
2. Functions of bounded variation
3. Semivariation
4. Regulated functions
5. Simply regulated functions
6. Henstock-Kurzweil-Stieltjes integral
7. Generalized linear differential equations
8. Homogeneous linear integral equations
9. Basic concepts in time scales
10. Applications to dynamic equations on times scales
1. M. Bohner, A. Peterson, Dynamic Equations on Time Scales: An Introduction with Applications. Birkhauser, Boston, 2001.
2. D. Frankova, Regulated functions, Math. Bohem. 116 (1), 1991, 20-59.
3. G. A. Monteiro, A. Slavík, and M. Tvrdý, Kurzweil–Stieltjes Integral: Theory and Applications. World Scientific, Singapore, 2017.
Syllabi of Capita Selecta Algebra – Semester II 2017/2018 by Prof. Sri Wahyuni
Syllabi of Capita Selecta of Applied Mathematics by Dr. Irwan Endrayanto
Integer Programming
untuk Pengalokasian Sumber Daya di Rumah Sakit
Dalam konteks manajemen rumah sakit, perlu dilakukan pendekatan mendasar untuk memecahkan beberapa masalah operasional. Dalam mata kuliah ini, akan dibahas beberapa model matematika untuk alokasi sumber daya (petugas pendaftaran, perawat, dokter, tempat tidur rawat inap, tempat tidur IGD, dll) di departemen rumah sakit dengan mengintegrasikan sistem jaringan antrian dan mempertimbangkan managemen logistik. Setelah mengambil matakuliah ini diharapkan mahasiswa mampu memodelkan masalah pengalokasian sumber daya rumah sakit menjadi masalah integer programming dan menyelesaikannya, serta memberikan interpretasi hasilnya.
Silabus: Integer Programming, Integer Programming 0-1, Vehicle Routing Problem, Pickup & Delivery Problem